Newtown Action Alliance Foundation
Press Releases

Nationwide Vigils & Events to #StandWithParkland
The Newtown Foundation To Hold Second Annual Breakfast Fundraiser
September 24th Event to Fund 4th Annual National Vigil for All Victims of Gun Violence
Mark Carman to Deliver Keynote Speech
Speakers include Hannah D’Avino, Senator Richard Blumenthal and Congresswoman Elizabeth Esty
SAVE THE DATE: The 6th Annual National Vigil for All Victims of Gun Violence will be held on Wed, December 5, 2018…
RT @NewtownAction: A new report finds civilians in the United States own more guns than those in any other country-holding nearly 40 p…
The New Haven Police Department & @TheNewtownFdn will host a Gun Buy-back event on Saturday, June 23, 2018 from 10:…
RT @Junior_NAA: Will you march & rally with us in Newtown on National Gun Violence Awareness Day on June 2nd?…
RT @Junior_NAA: We encourage all schools to turn orange on June 1st to stand with Newtown, Parkland, Santa Fe & beyond. Please sign…
Thank you to Bernard’s and @109Cheese for hosting the wine tasting dinner to support @TheNewtownFdn.…
Please raise a glass for the Newtown Foundation at Bernard's Restaurant on Sunday, May 20th at 6:00pm. To reserve y…